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Dodaj swój komentarz… kalyl Impostors can sabotage different parts of the map to create distractions and hinder the Crewmates’ progress.
kalyl Dodano:
30-07-2024 Reklama
Randy Stewart The vast majority of people prefer to play games for fun, playing games relaxes and makes everyone feel good, many games are offered for free, while the is very popular and much preferred by many players.
truckjacket - mike Slope is a fun casual platform game in which you control a 3D ball traveling downhill in a future neon environment. To progress, you must avoid colliding with red obstacles while keeping the ball on the platforms. Players enjoy Slope Game and return time and again to break records. Slope Game has no clear ending, simply endless thrills and fun! TomekT - Eh, to niby mądrzy ludzie? "Na Mount Blanc ciśnienie spada prawie do połowy, a zatem ilość tlenu spada do około 11 proc.; na Mount Everest ilość tlenu spada do około 7 proc." Zaryzykuję stwierdzenie, że na Mount Evereście jest jak najbardziej taki sam procent tlenu jak na dole.
Autor: TomekT Dodano: 07-10-2005
Pokazuj komentarze od pierwszego Aby dodać komentarz, należy się zalogować Zaloguj przez OpenID.. Jeżeli nie jesteś zarejestrowany/a - załóż konto.. Reklama