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« Ludzie, cytaty Dr. William Harwood
Contributing Editor of the American
Harwood, Ph. D., M.Litt. (Cambridge), is the author of Mythology's Last Gods; The
Beloved Disciple and The House of Hippo; A Vision of Murder and Hypnaughty Boy; The Mycenaean Chronicle; and
Uncle Yeshu, Messiah; co-author of Hypnotism
Then and Now; and editor/translator of
The Judaeo-Christian Bible Fully Translated, volumes 1 and 7.
He is a member of the editorial board of Free
Inquiry, and a contributing editor of American
Rationalist. He has written
over one hundred articles for F.I., A.R., The Humanist, Humanist
in Canada, and a dozen other periodicals in seven countries.
completing a Ph. D. in Religious Studies, he applied for several advertised
lectureships in universities in Canada and elsewhere, in the naïve belief
that the author of a book disproving religion had any more hope of being hired
by religion professors whose economic security depended on their maintaining the
pretence that religion cannot be disproven, than Ralph Nader would have had of
becoming publicity director of Volkswagen after writing Unsafe at Any Speed.After
giving up the uneven struggle, he settled for teaching high school, before the
reality became inescapable that North American schools are babysitting
institutions in which any teacher who attempted to teach anything would be purged before he could raise the question,
„How come nobody else is doing that?"
Harwood was born in Australia, among people who lived in constant terror that
some day, somewhere, someone might actually do
something. He stayed there just
long enough to recognize that there is something terribly wrong with a country
that rejects moderate, pragmatic, middle-of-the-road politics, and instead
alternates between governments of the far right and the far left.
Later, as a research student at Cambridge University, he discovered that
England has a similar deficiency.
settling in Canada, Dr Harwood toured Australia, New Guinea, Fiji, Bermuda and
the USA as advertising manager for three hypnotic stage shows, including one
that became a household name in Canada. Between
shows, he obtained graduate degrees from universities in Canada, England and the
USA, and spent eight years as a teacher. He
joined Mensa for intelligent conversation, and left when he failed to find any.
His most satisfying bread-and-butter job was general factotum at a now
defunct private gambling establishment in Calgary. He is currently a resident of what is politely called
Canada's Bible Belt, but is more accurately described as the redneck anus of
the universe, where a theofascist majority believe that a referendum can give
them the right to deprive minorities of basic human rights, strip women of
sovereignty over their own bodies, and restore such barbarisms as capital
punishment and probably heretic burning.
He started
life as a Protestant (Methodist father, Anglican mother), and turned Catholic
when he discovered that Protestantism is repudiated by its own Bible.
He remained Catholic until he took his first ancient history course at
the University of Calgary, and learned that fifty other virgin-born savior gods had risen from the dead on the third
day centuries and even millennia before Jesus.
(His desperate search for rebuttal evidence initially led him to discover
that all claims of a god revealing its existence have been traced to the same
authors who also assured their readers that the earth is flat, and eventually
gave him the material to write Mythology's
Last Gods.)
recognizing the falseness of religion at an intellectual level was not
immediately sufficient. More than
three years later, on a Sunday morning at Cambridge, England, he ate breakfast,
got dressed, and opened the front door to go to mass, when it suddenly hit him:
„If I participate in this 5000-year-old Egyptian god-eating ritual even
once more, I will throw up." At
that point he was cured — totally, permanently, irreversibly.
has a low tolerance for self-inflicted brain death.
The acquaintance whose reaction to his book disproving religion was a fatuous demand that he "pray," is now someone he used to know.
The same is true of the person who lured him to what he was assured would
be a purely secular memorial, but which turned out be fanatic triple-god worship,
conducted by a megalomaniac tinpot Hitler priest, that even a Unitarian would
have recognized as an abominable and detestable crime against sanity.
He is, as Isaac Asimov used to say, in his late youth and is between
marriages (isn't everybody?).
Harwood's first book, Mythology's Last
Gods, based on his doctoral
dissertation, was published in 1992, and his first four novels and bible
translation in 2001. His most recent book is The Disinformation Cycle, which does to the paranormal what Mythology's
Last Gods did to religion.
He considers North America the most near-perfect society on
earth and, despite the coup d'etat that
made a puppet of the Religious Right President even though the American people
rejected him by almost a million votes, and despite the election of a hate cult
led by a would-be Khomeini as Canada's Official Opposition, he would not wish
to live anywhere else.
in the 2002 January/February issue of the American Rationalist ©.
« Ludzie, cytaty (Publikacja: 03-06-2003 )
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