Racjonalista - Strona głównaDo treści

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Propozycje Racjonalisty:
Tomasz Hildebrandt - Druga Polska
Orhan Pamuk - Dom ciszy
Stanisław Lem - Kongres futurologiczny

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(..) nie można wyprowadzić wniosków na temat świata danego empirycznie z tezy o istnieniu Boga i na odwrót.
Komentarze do strony "Under God" or not?

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The Drew - Flaw in arguement
The flaw with your arguement is that the pledge is NOT mandatory. Kids can choose NOT to say the pledge, therefore the state is not FORCING any religious beliefs upon school children. The term "under God" is a generic term referring to a supernatural being, not any one in particular. This term does not establish a state religion nor does it prohibit the free exercise of religion since it is NOT mandatory. Therefore it is NOT unconstitutional.
Autor: The Drew Dodano: 07-07-2004

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