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Kultura » Historia
On the First World War propaganda and the image of enemy [2] Autor tekstu: Adam Pawłowski
The number of such depictions used in the propaganda is staggering even for
later standards and can understandably be used as one of best starting points of
soft power
in modern wars and strengths of belligerent countries or those which hold
influence over other states. Of course nobody will say that propaganda ever
caused war nor that it was sole reason of its prolonging, but despite that — in
perspective of this day — we can say it changed a lot. Not only in lives of
people who lived then and there, but most importantly there where it was created
to hold influence — in minds of people of that time. To what point it biased and
distorted view ofthe German propaganda was later responsible for mythos of
undestroyed and invincible army of Second Reich at the end of war? To what
extent this mythos created also by propaganda, was later responsible for born of
by socialists and — as added later — one minority (big in Austria-Hungary and
lesser in Germany) in causing Austrian bad-painter-turned-dictator? We may never
know, but it is the Historian's duty to ask every question about the past.
World War I. A History,
Hew Strachan, Oxford 2012.
The undermining of Austria-Hungary: the battle for hearts and minds.,
Mark Cornwall, London 2003.
Wojna i Pokój — Wielka Wojna.,
Piotr Szlanta, Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz, wystawa Muzeum Karykatury IX-XI 2014.
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« Historia (Publikacja: 17-09-2016 )
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