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 Państwo i polityka » Stosunki międzynarodowe

Czy trwały pokój w Syrii i Iraku jest możliwy? cz. 3 [6]
Autor tekstu:



I. Opracowania:

1. Christoph Reuter, Die Schwarze Macht. Macht: Der »Islamische Staat« und die Strategen des Terrors., Spiegel, 2015.

2. European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2014, ECFR, London 2014.

3. Georges Corm, La Question religieuse au XXIe siècle., La Decouverte, Paris 2006.

4. Gerhard Schweizer, Syrien Verstehen. Geschichte, Geselschaft und Religion., Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 2015.

5. Giovanni Sartori, The Theory of Democracy Revisited, Chatham 1987.

6. J. M. Roberts, Twentieth Century. The History Of The World. 1901 to 2000., Penguin Group, New York 2001.

7. Klaus Kreiser, Atatürk. Eine Biographie., C.H.Beck., Stuttgart 2008.

8. Mahmud Randa, Die Drusen Geschichte und Identität einer Minderheitim Zeitalter des Internets., Tübigen, 2007.

9. Margaret Johannsen, Der Nahost-Konflikt., VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2006.

10. Najnowsza historia świata. Tom IV. 1995-2007., red. Górska Barbara, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 2008.

11. Peter Meyer-Ranke, Die arabischen Staaten Vorderasiens., Hannover 1970.

12. Samuel P. Huntington, Clash of Civilisations and the Remaking of World Order., Touchstone (Simon & Schuster), 1998.

II. Teksty źródłowe:

1. 100 orders issued by L. Paul Bremer III while heading CPA. To check under link: http://web.archive.org/web/20100206084411/http://www.cpa-iraq.org/regulations/#Orders

2. Abdullah Ocalan, Democratic Confederalism., Transmedia Publishing Ltd., London 2011.

3. Abdullah Öcalan, Krieg und Frieden in Kurdistan, 2008.

4. Abdullah Öcalan, Krieg und Frieden in Kurdistan. Perspektiven für eine politische Lösung in Kurdistan., Köln 2008.

5. Abdullah Öcalan, Kurdische Frage und europäisches Recht., Internationale Initiative, 2002.

6. Abdullah Öcalan, Liberating Life: Women Revolution, Transmedia Publishing Ltd., London 2008.

7. Abdullah Öcalan, The Road Map to Democratization of Turkey and Solution to the Kurdish Question., International Initiative, Cologne 2011.

8. Constitution of Rojava Federation in French and shortened in English. To check under link: https://peaceinkurdistancampaign.com/charter-of-the-social-contract/

III. Odwołania do innych tekstów własnych autora:

Opublikowane na portalu Racjonalista.pl. Do sprawdzenia pod imieniem autora na portalu, lub pod linkiem: http://www.racjonalista.pl/kk.php/s,9856/q,ISIS.Daesh.and.connotations.of.bigger.global.politic


[104] „Influential" personnel within the military, believed to be involved with the failed coup in July delayed the operation with „excuses", the source told AFP news agency. In particular, one senior officer, Brigadier General Semih Terzi, was given as an example. Brig Gen Terzi was shot dead on the night of the coup." Worley Will, Turkey 'planned Syria offensive against Isis for two years'., independent.co.uk, AFP News Agency, 26.08.2016, 29.08.2016.

[105] Fars pierwotnie podało się na arabskie media jako pośredników informacji z samego MIT: „Several Arab media outlets, including Rai Alyoum, quoted diplomatic sources in Ankara as saying that Turkey's National Intelligence Organization, known locally as the MIT, received intel from its Russian counterpart that warned of an impending coup in the Muslim state.", kolejną gazetą która opublikowała taką informację były dwa serwisy Hurriyet i TASS, które podały po dodatkowych pytaniach dokładniejszą informację, iż wiadomość została przechwycona z radia śmigłowców krążących wcześniej nad stolicą (helikoptery puczystów) the Russian army intercepted Turkish military communications that indicated a coup was being organized against the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan" — including „helicopter communications ordering soldiers to arrest or kill the Turkish president in the resort town of Marmaris." Erdogan Warned of Incoming Coup by Russian Alert, Fars News Agency, 20.06.2016, 02.08.2016.

[106] Policja Kurdyjska w Rojavie.

[107] Атасунцев Александр, Эрдогана проверят на лояльность. Как развиваются отношения НАТО и Турции после мятежа против Эрдогана., gazeta.ru, Газета.Ру, 08.09.2016, 08.09.2016.

[108] Sayfa Ana, Askeri Birliklerinin Şehir Dışına Taşınması., hedefhalk.com, Hedef Halk, 06.09.2016, 06.09.2016.

[109] „Russia has expressed "grave concern" over Turkey's brutal military advances in Syria as tensions are sent into overdrive between the countries. The Russian Foreign Ministry has pointed out that recent military action of Turkish troops does not have the approval of Syrian government or the UN Security Council. The Ministry warns that Turkey's military action undermines the „sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic"." Efstathiou Zoe, 'Grave concern' Russia blasts Turkey for military assault in Syria as tensions boil over., express.co.uk, Euronews, 31.08.2016, 04.09.2016.

[110] Bertrand Natasha, Turkey slams 'unacceptable' photos of US troops wearing Kurdish patches while they fight ISIS., businessinsider.com, 27.05.2016, 02.09.2016.

[111] Obecnie Jabhat Fateh al-Sham. — przyp. aut.

[112] Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook.

[113] 05.09.2016 — przyp. aut.

[114] Czyli czy zaryzykują głośniejsze popieranie Rojavy, uważając iż prezydent Erdogan dokonuje przysłowiowego blefu z możliwością opuszczenia NATO. — przyp. aut.

[115] „The dawn of the era of democratic civilisation represents not only the rebirth of peoples but, perhaps more distinctively, it represents the rise of woman. Woman, who was the creative goddess of the Neolithic society, has encountered continuous losses throughout the history of classed society. Inverting this history will inevitably bring the most profound social results. Woman, reborn to freedom, will amount to general liberation, enlightenment and justice in all upper and lower institutions of society. This will convince all that peace, not war, is more valuable and is to be exalted. Woman's success is the success of society and the individual at all levels. The twenty first century must be the era of awakening; the era of the liberated, emancipated woman. This is more important than class or national liberation. The era of democratic civilisation shall be the one when woman rises and succeeds fully."

„Women in general, but more specifically the Middle Eastern women, are the most energetic and active force of democratic society due to the characteristics described above. The ultimate victory of democratic society is only possible with woman." Öcalan Abdullah, Liberating Life: Women Revolution, 2008, pp. 58-59, 60.

[116] Artykuły 65 i 87.

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« Stosunki międzynarodowe   (Publikacja: 01-12-2016 )

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Adam Pawłowski
Student historii UW i pracownik Muzeum Wojska Polskiego. Religiosceptyk, z zamiłowaniem do fizyki teoretycznej i geopolityki, amator psychologii ewolucyjnej i kofeiny.

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